Date | Anime | Role |
1978 | 宇宙魔神ダイケンゴー Space Demon Daikengoh |
Photography |
1987 | ブラックマジック M-66 Black Magic M-66 |
Photography |
大魔獣激闘 鋼の鬼 Giant Monster Battle: Demon of Steel |
Photography |
1988 | 火垂るの墓 Grave of the Fireflies |
Photography |
銀河英雄伝説 Legend of Galactic Heroes |
Photography Director |
白い旗の少女琉子 Girl of the White Flag Ryuuko |
Photography Director |
神州魑魅変 Shinshuu Sudamahen |
Photography Director |
1989 | 緑山高校: 甲子園編 Midoriyama High School: Koushien Chapter |
Photography |
力王 Riki-Oh |
Photography Director |
1990 | マッド★ブル34 Mad Bull 34 |
Photography Director |
鬼丸 Onimaru |
Photography Director |
1991 | バーンナップ Burn-Up |
Photography |
1月にはChristmas Christmas in January |
Ending Stills |
冒険!イクサー3 Adventure! Iczer-3 |
Photography (#5,6) |
絶滅の孤島 Island of Destruction |
Photography Director |
有閑倶楽部 Leisure Club |
Photography Director |
めぞん一刻番外編: 一刻島ナンパ始末記 Maison Ikkoku Extra Chapter: Flirting on Ikkoku Island |
Photography Director |
みどりの守り神 Midori's Guardian |
Photography Director |
俺の空: 刑事篇 My Sky: Detective Chapter |
Photography Director |
ファントム勇者伝説 Phantom Hero Legend |
Photography Director |
老人Z Roujin Z |
Photography Director |
ザ・学園超女隊 The School Supergirl Group |
Photography Director |
1992 | ボーイフレンド Boyfriend |
Photography Director |
1993 | 蒼い記憶: 満蒙開拓と少年たち Blue Memories: The Manchurian Invasion and the Boys |
Photography Director |
紅狼 Hong Lang |
Photography Director |
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |
Photography Director |
Rance: 砂漠のガーディアン Rance: Guardian of the Desert |
Photography Director |
1994 | エンゼルコップ Angel Cop |
Photography Director (#4,5) |
1995 | GOLDEN BOY: さすらいのお勉強野郎 GOLDEN BOY: The Wandering Studier |
Photography Director |
放課後の職員室 Staff Room After School |
Photography Director (#2) |
1996 | マスター・モスキートン Master Mosquiton |
Photography Director (#4,5) |
1998 | 異次元の世界エルハザード El Hazard The Other World |
Photography Director |
2000 | Sci-Fi HARRY |
Photography Director |